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Thoughts to Share
Thoughts to Share is an on-going blog (with a few breaks) since 2012. It's mostly written by me, Augusta, and sometimes David joins us with his writings. If you sign up for our newsletter, you'll get a notification of each new post.
Thanks for joining me!

Quiet Enough to Hear
Here’s a thought I’d like to share… The quieter you become the more you are able to hear. Rumi ~ Reflections from a cabin at Smith Lake ~...

Entanglements Happen
Here’s a thought I’d like to share… It is the small things in life which count; it is the inconsequential leak which empties the biggest...

Response-Ability: It’s Harder Than It Sounds
Here’s a thought I’d like to share… Whatever happens in your life, joyful or painful, do not be swept away by reactivity. Be patient with...

The Magic of Beginnings
Here’s a thought I’d like to share… And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings. ~ Meister...

A Blessing from My Heart to Yours
From my heart to yours… May the waters of your soul be still enough to reflect back your truest self. May you dive deeply into those...

If You Look Up
Here’s a thought I’d like to share… Busy Girl’s Satori Across the yard, below the cliffs, and just beneath the evening’s drift toward...

How Cool is That
I think random acts of kindness, big and small, produce “volunteers” in all kinds of ways and places.

We’re All In This Together
We are, indeed, fellow travelers on this amazing craft called Earth. I’m honored to travel this journey with you.

Wait Turns Into Wonder
When we experience wonder, we rest back into the deep trust that we are part of something bigger than the small self can see.

Where I’m Heading
When we take on challenges in life, we inevitably have to deal with issues of self-doubt or lack of confidence and that can be scary.

I Want Somebody to Blame
So much of our suffering is because of our emotional reaction to our experience rather than because of the experience itself.

What Are You Giving Up?
When we choose to give up something, we are also choosing to be willing to bump up against the habit energy we have around that thing.

A New Year’s Blessing for You
Starting over is not an option that is given to us, but we can begin again at any moment we remember to do so.

DOing and BEing
It’s almost Christmas! It’s also the Winter Solstice – a time of longer nights and shorter days, a time of naturally turning inward....

Sharpen Your Axe
When we pause to take care of our personal lives, our bodies, our spiritual lives, we are better able to do the work of our lives.

Tugboats and Heart Tugs
I often feel “visited” by my heart’s stirrings, and I always feel grateful for the practice that allows me to connect with that sound.

A Powerful Ripple
Mindful and mindfulness are words we hear all the time nowadays, but the urgency of these concepts is more palpable than ever.

Minimal Cleanup
Here’s a thought I’d like to share… Nature is our greatest teacher. ~ Edna Walling A hurricane has fierce winds and produces massive...

Scan for Joy
Scanning for happiness doesn’t negate those things that are difficult, but it infuses them with the “magic" of the moment.

Walk It Off
When feel our feelings and remain steadfast to the intention to act from a centered, balanced place, we meet the world with kindness.
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