Here’s a thought I’d like to share…
Each time we come to an ending, we are offered the opportunity to begin again – a new beginning. The practice of yoga and mindfulness promises that same thing. At any moment we “wake up” and become aware that we have been lost in our minds or old stories, we can begin again. Starting over is not an option that is given to us, but we can begin again at any moment we remember to do so.
Significant endings, or those shared by many people, make for auspicious beginnings. New Year’s Eve is one of those times. We exhale the old year – our experiences, our victories, our losses, world situations, deeds done and not done. And regardless of our preferences, those things become part of our past.
We inhale the New Year – taking it into our bodies, into our spirits. And, ready or not, we move into a year that has never been before and will never be again.
We can smirk at resolutions; we can disregard the edge where old meets new; we can bypass the opening that is created energetically when one year goes into the history books and another one dawns on the horizon – OR – we can honor the rhythms that surround us, and allow our hands and hearts to open, releasing anything that was held there; creating space for new ideas, new ways of seeing and being, new ways to love deeply and live fully.
New Year’s Eve is an ending that asks us to compassionately reflect on this…
“In the end these things matter most: How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go?” ~Jack Kornfield
From my heart, I offer you this blessing as you exhale 2016 and inhale 2017…
May the waters of your soul be still enough to reflect back your truest self. May you dive deeply into those still waters and hear the echoes of your own heart. May you know your truth, release any traces of false self, and stand unashamed and unafraid before every moment of your miraculous life. May you allow your life to flow freely into your being, offering no resistance. And, with just as little effort, let it pass through you. May the ripples of your work touch and affect all the beings with whom you travel this unfathomable journey. May your heart-light shine through your words, your thoughts, and your actions. May you make the world a safer place by being a safe place for yourself. May you embody Love in every cell of your body, and let it flow from your heart, nourishing you until you have no choice but to let it overflow and heal the world. May you pause when you feel angry, hurt, defensive, or “little.” May you compassionately step back and regain your center – knowing that safety lies in truth, and truth exists only in the present moment. May you embrace each moment and accept it as it is. May peace reside with you always, and may love wash over you all the days of your life. May you always remember that we belong to one another. I wish you peace. I wish you love. I wish you joy and laughter.
Namasté, Augusta