Here’s a thought I’d like to share…
“We work to recognize the things we need to gracefully allow to end so that we may make room in our lives, and in our spirits, for new and excellent beginnings.” ~Augusta Kantra
Milestones can be bittersweet. When babies learn to walk, they no longer need to be held as often; when adolescents learn to drive, they no longer need to be taxied around; when children get married, they no longer belong more to mom and dad than to anyone else; and when students graduate from Yoga Teacher Training, they no longer gather together for an entire weekend once a month.
Last Sunday, David and I graduated the awesome teachers of the 2017 Kantra CALM Yoga School 200hr Teacher Training. As proud of them as we were (and are), it was such a heart-rending moment.

Kantra School of Yoga 200hr Yoga Teacher Training Graduates of 2017.
To have the honor and privilege of sharing the journey that travels through and to the heart of each student and transforms them into teachers, into dedicated practitioners, is such an amazing and expanding experience. When it comes to a close, it takes a part of me with it — every time.
As a training group, together we explore what it means to pause before responding, to align values and actions, to be vulnerable, to be strong, to make mistakes, to learn, to teach. I learn as I teach, and they teach as they learn. It’s an incredible journey! I develop such a deep connection with each student, and they develop lifelong connections to each other.
And so, part of my practice is to do as I teach – to step back and let go. It’s not easy for me. I am a holder-oner by nature. From day one of Teacher Training, we are working toward graduation. When it arrives, I’m never ready. I hear my internal voice screaming, “Nooooo! Not yet!” And still, I know they are ready, regardless of my desire to hang on.
I hear myself teach that we only grow when we’re uncomfortable. It’s a lesson I need to hear when my own heart is clinging. And in Teacher Training, I want them to graduate, and I would never choose to NOT do a formal graduation! I love graduation – and I hate it.
Life is like that. Yoga is like that. It’s all perfectly imperfect.
In yoga, as in life… I must practice what my teacher, Rolf Gates, taught me, and that is, we do what we CAN do… “We show up. We burn brightly, live passionately, and hold nothing back. And when the moment is over, when our work is done, we step back, and let go.”
Wishing you deep peace as you let go, and even as you refuse to do so, Namasté Augusta